Washington Rehabs

Find Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Washington

We have independently evaluated and rated the rehab facilities in Washington to provide an unbiased and comprehensive list of the best addiction and mental health services available.

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18 out of 464 rated rehabs in Washington

  • Discover Recovery
    Detox Inpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health

    Long Beach, Pacific, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Outpatient Detox Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    3 accreditations

  • Free by the Sea Sunset View Freedom Center
    Co-occurring Outpatient Inpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health

    Ocean Park, Pacific, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Outpatient Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    4 accreditations

  • Center A Place of Hope
    Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

    Edmonds, Snohomish, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    3 accreditations

  • BAART Behavioral Health Services Inc
    Outpatient Counseling

    Bremerton, Kitsap, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Medicare Sliding Fee Scale


    4 accreditations

  • Alternative Counseling Spanaway
    Co-occurring Outpatient Counseling

    Spanaway, Pierce, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Private health insurance Medicare Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    3 accreditations

  • South Sound Clinic of Evergreen Treatment Services
    Outpatient Counseling

    Olympia, Thurston, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Medicare Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


    4 accreditations

  • Recovery Village Ridgefield Detox Center
    Detox Co-occurring Inpatient

    Vancouver, Clark, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Detox Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    2 accreditations

  • Recovery Village Ridgefield
    Detox Co-occurring Inpatient Outpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health

    Ridgefield, Clark, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Outpatient Inpatient (hospital) Detox Inpatient (residential) Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    2 accreditations

  • Royal Life Centers DBA Royal Life Centers
    Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

    Mead, Spokane, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    5 accreditations

  • Renton Area Youth and Family Services
    Co-occurring Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

    Renton, King, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance

    co-occurring disorder treatment

    3 accreditations

  • Evergreen Treatment Services South King County Clinic
    Outpatient Counseling

    Renton, King, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Medicare Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


    4 accreditations

  • Royal Life Centers DBA Royal Life Centers
    Detox Inpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health

    Spokane, Spokane, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Outpatient Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    5 accreditations

  • Apple Valley Counseling Services LLC
    Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

    Yakima, Yakima, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) Private health insurance State Insurance Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    2 accreditations

  • Riverton Place
    Inpatient Residential Counseling

    Seattle, King, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Outpatient Inpatient (residential) Medicaid

    2 accreditations

  • Evergreen Treatment Services Unit 1
    Outpatient Counseling

    Seattle, King, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Medicare Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


    4 accreditations

  • Lifeline Connections Bellingham Office
    Detox Co-occurring Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

    Bellingham, Whatcom, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) Private health insurance State Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    4 accreditations

  • Sunrise Centers
    Outpatient Counseling

    Seattle, King, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    2 accreditations

  • NATIVE Project
    Co-occurring Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

    Spokane, Spokane, WA

    Insurance Accepted

    Cash Pay Rate

    Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) Private health insurance State Insurance Medicare Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


    co-occurring disorder treatment

    2 accreditations

Check Your Insurance Coverage

Selected Rehabs

Top Rated Washington Rehabs

Our pick of the best residential, outpatient, and detox centers in the state.

Discover Recovery
Detox Inpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health
Discover Recovery

Long Beach, Pacific, WA

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Outpatient Detox Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

3 accreditations

Free by the Sea Sunset View Freedom Center
Co-occurring Outpatient Inpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Outpatient Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

4 accreditations

Center A Place of Hope
Outpatient Counseling Mental-health
Center A Place of Hope

Edmonds, Snohomish, WA

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Inpatient (hospital) Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

3 accreditations

BAART Behavioral Health Services Inc
Outpatient Counseling
BAART Behavioral Health Services Inc

Bremerton, Kitsap, WA

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Medicare Sliding Fee Scale


4 accreditations

Alternative Counseling Spanaway
Co-occurring Outpatient Counseling
Alternative Counseling Spanaway

Spanaway, Pierce, WA

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Inpatient (hospital) Private health insurance Medicare Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

3 accreditations

South Sound Clinic of Evergreen Treatment Services
Outpatient Counseling

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Medicare Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


4 accreditations

Recovery Village Ridgefield Detox Center
Detox Co-occurring Inpatient

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Detox Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

2 accreditations

Recovery Village Ridgefield
Detox Co-occurring Inpatient Outpatient Residential Counseling Mental-health
Recovery Village Ridgefield

Ridgefield, Clark, WA

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Outpatient Inpatient (hospital) Detox Inpatient (residential) Military Insurance Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

2 accreditations

Royal Life Centers DBA Royal Life Centers
Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance Military Insurance SAMHSA Funded Sliding Fee Scale


co-occurring disorder treatment

5 accreditations

Renton Area Youth and Family Services
Co-occurring Outpatient Counseling Mental-health

Insurance Accepted

Cash Pay Rate

Inpatient (hospital) Inpatient (residential) State Insurance

co-occurring disorder treatment

3 accreditations

Drug abuse statistics in Washington

Washington has a population of 7,738,692 people. The most recent data from the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found that 1,501,000 people over the age of 12 had abused illegal substances in the past month, around 19.40% of the population. 1,424,000 reported marijuana use in the past month and 1,958,000 in the past year. The report also found that 155,000 Washington residents had abused cocaine in the past year, 91,000 had abused meth, and 257,000 had abused prescription pain medication. 63,000 people over the age of 18 reported using heroin in the last year. Those reporting opioid misuse including heroin, painkillers, and fentanyl in Washington totaled 274,000 people.

Alcohol abuse in Washington

Alcohol misuse was also reported in Washington with 3,366,000 people over the age of 12 saying they had used alcohol in the last month and 1,513,000 reporting binge drinking. The perceived risk of people over 12 years of age indulging in problematic alcohol use (5 or more drinks twice a week) in a month was 3,113,000 people.

Overdose deaths in Washington

In 2021, Washington saw a total of 2152 recorded drug-related overdose deaths. This includes those that were accidental or unidentifiable but excludes those that were related to suicide or homicide. This puts the overdose death toll in Washington at 27.8 people per 100,000. The total number of alcohol-related deaths (including overdose and all other causes) was 1772 or 22.9 per 100,000 people.

Addiction and treatment in Washington

The NSDUH report also recorded the total amount of substance abuse disorders in Washington and those who currently require treatment. The report found that 1,367,000 were recorded as having a substance use disorder (SUD) and 846,000 had an alcohol use disorder. 197,000 people were recorded as having an opioid use disorder including those with painkiller, heroin, and other opioid-based drug use disorders. There are also many who have been diagnosed with or reported a substance, illicit drug, or alcohol use disorder that require rehab treatment and are not receiving it. The report found that 698 people in Washington needed treatment for illicit substance abuse, 825,000 required treatment for an alcohol use disorder, and 1,249,000 needed treatment for a diagnosed substance use disorder.

How do I pay for rehab in Washington?

If you find the rehab cost too high for you to afford, don’t worry,  there are still ways you can get help. You can get treatment if you have insurance.

Most rehabilitation centers in Washington accept private healthcare insurance, public health insurance like Medicare, and military insurance to cover treatment costs.

Some community-level programs and initiatives offer scholarships to help needy individuals get treatment to manage their substance use and alcohol addiction.

Government assistance for rehab in Washington

The Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA) provides funding and oversight for substance abuse treatment services for individuals who qualify for Medicaid. The HCA also supports other services like alcohol use treatment, Opioid Use Treatment, and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder.

You can reach the Washington Recovery Help Line at 1-866-789-1511. The HCA also has a 24-hour emotional support helpline for teens called Teen Link to help refer treatment and recovery resources to those who need them.

Addiction Support Groups Serving Washington

Support groups offer a safe and structured environment alongside fellow sufferers to gain control of substance use disorders (SUDs). Support groups are also dedicated to helping families and friends of people struggling with SUDs.

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

    Support group open to anyone suffering from an alcohol use disorder. Follows a 12 step program approach.

    Visit Website
  • Narcotics Anonymous 818-773-9999

    12 step program operating across the country for anyone suffering from drug addiction or a substance use disorder

    Visit Website
  • SMART Recovery

    Alternative to 12 step programs, incorporating behavioral therapy approaches designed to alter behaviors towards substance abuse.

    Visit Website
  • Al-Anon Family Groups

    Anonymous support for families and loved ones of people suffering from an alcohol use disorder.

    Visit Website
  • Parents of Addicted Loved Ones 480-300-4712

    Online, telephone, and in person resources for parents with children abusing substances. Has religious roots but is open to all.

    Visit Website
  • ARCO Recovery Community Organization Locator

    Working with non-profit organizations to change perceptions of substance abuse and offer support. Peer recovery support is also available.

    Visit Website
  • Nar-Anon

    Support for families, friends, and loved one of those suffering from drug addictions.

    Visit Website
  • Dual Recovery Anonymous

    A 12 step program designed for those with a substance use and co-occurring disorder.

    Visit Website
  • Gamblers Anonymous

    12 step program offering support, guidance, and resources for those with a gambling disorder.

    Visit Website
  • Cocaine Anonymous

    Anonymous support for those suffering from a cocaine use disorder using the 12 step method.

    Visit Website
  • Crystal Meth Anonymous

    12 step program designed specifically to help those with a crystal meth addiction.

    Visit Website

Counseling and Therapy Resources Available in Washington

Counselors and therapists are equipped to help people with substance use disorders understand where their addictive behavior stems from, develop tools to control cravings, and explore further treatment options.

Washington Recovery Help Line



State directory for mental health and substance use counseling in Washington

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 800-662-4357

    The country's leading resource for substance abuse and mental health counseling.

    Visit Website
  • Total Health Guidance 321-332-6984

    Wellness and mental health resources for children, young people, and adults

    Visit Website
  • ABPM Physician Lookup

    A full database of physicians specializing in addiction treatment and recovery

    Visit Website
  • Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Hotline

    Specializing in preventative treatment and counselling for substance abuse in children

    Visit Website
  • AAAP Member Addiction Psychiatrists 401-524-3076

    Directory provided by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry for treatment of substance use disorders and co-occurring conditions

    Visit Website
  • NAMI Helpline 800-950-6264

    Helpline for questions and resources relating to mental health and substance abuse

    Visit Website
  • Mental Health America Local Affiliates 703-684-7722

    Help and support for navigating treatment options in specific locations.

    Visit Website
  • APA Psychologist Locator 800-374-2721

    Official register of licenced psychologists provided by the American Psychological Association

    Visit Website

Questions on Finding Treatment in Washington

Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with informative and supportive answers

How long does rehab treatment take?