Our Writing Process
Recovered takes great pride in the quality of our content and works hard to ensure it’s as valuable as possible to the reader.
We cover a wide range of topics with the intention of providing concise, reliable, and jargon-free content that will benefit the reader. Our writers work to high standards to ensure that what they produce is original, accurate, and free of conflict or misinformation. We will never share anything on our site that we are not 100 percent happy with and will always review and improve pages to make sure our information is current.
Editorial Policies
These guiding principles help ensure that our content is to the highest standards and is always reliable.
We operate on a policy of editorial independence meaning our content is unbiased and uninfluenced by private investment.
All of the information, advice, statistics, and any other information is fully verified for accuracy and relevance.
We strive to create content that is beneficial for the reader first and foremost, with a focus on resources that are practical as well as informative.
We provide expert opinions from informed voices on a variety of subject matter to ensure we cover topics fully and give our readers the full picture.
Meet the editorial team
Our team of writers and editors is dedicated to producing the highest quality content for our readers

Content manager for Recovered. Edmund has an extensive background in addiction research...

Dr. Nicolette Natale is a physician, with a background in Psychology, General...

Expert in impactful and effective communication through creative and academic writing with...