Recovered TrustScore Explained

We correlate data and reviews from multiple sources for each rehab center in our listings; meaning we display the best-rated rehabs in each area and ensure those who need it get the best care available.

Recovered Trustscore rating

To ensure our visitors get access to the best treatment available and that all rehab centers are represented fairly, we use the TrustScore rating model across our directory. All of our rating data is sourced from various locations across the web and compiled to give an accurate TrustScore rating.

This includes all rehab facilities registered with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and/or possessing other verifiable accreditation. This data along with available reviews for each rehab are then correlated and our unique rating score is given.

Our rating calculation

We endeavor to make sure our Recovered TrustScore rating is fair to all rehab facilities and treatment programs as well as make sure users get the best help available in their area. The Recovered TrustScore is measured from 0 to 5 stars and is calculated by three sets of criteria; accreditation, reviews, and Bayesian average.


Based on the number of registered accreditations a rehab holds we calculate a base score. This ensures that even rehabs with little or no reviews will still be fairly rated. Accreditations used include SAMHSA, CARF, Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP), and the National Committee for Quality Assurance( NCQA).


We compile available review data on all listed facilities and give them a score based on volume, positivity, and recency.

Bayesian average

We use a Bayesian average to calculate a base rating for all rehab centers. This means that even facilities with no reviews will still have a score (all are given 7 reviews of 3.5 star value). This score becomes less relevant with the more reviews a facility gets over time.

Why we do this

By offering a unique Recovered TrustScore based on correlated data we can ensure that there is no bias or disparity toward the rehabs we display on our listing. It also ensures that those seeking help for addiction are only seeing the best available resources in their area.