Alcoholism is diagnosed when drinking habits and alcohol dependence cause negative consequences to an individual's life. If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be struggling with alcoholism then our “am I an alcoholic” quiz can help.

How does the “am I an alcoholic” quiz work?

This alcoholism self-assessment is based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), which is used to measure the criteria for addiction. These criteria are measured by the negative impact alcohol abuse has on a person’s life, including physical, psychological, and behavioral measures, and are classified as mild, moderate, and severe.

Answer the below questions honestly based on the past 12 months of alcohol consumption.

Take the alcohol use disorder quiz

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Your substance abuse level is: No current issue

Your current alcohol consumption is not considered dangerous. However, if you feel a problem may be developing then stop or speak to a professional.

Your substance abuse level is: Mild

Your score indicates that you may be abusing alcohol. If left unchecked, unhealthy drinking can lead to a dependence on alcohol forming. Speak to your doctor for information on how to cut down on drinking.

Your substance abuse level is: Moderate

There is a high possibility that you have developed a tolerance to alcohol and may have a physical alcohol dependence. If left untreated, the negative consequences of dependence can lead to addiction. Support groups, counseling, and outpatient treatment programs can all help reduce alcohol consumption.

Your substance abuse level is: Severe

This score indicates that an addiction to alcohol has already formed. Addiction is a disease and can be extremely difficult to beat alone. Luckily, there are many treatment options available to overcome all forms of addiction. Speak to a treatment provider today to get help recovering from alcohol addiction.

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What is alcohol addiction?

Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD) is one of the most common forms of substance addiction in the western world. Alcohol is a legal beverage consumed in many forms, most commonly wine, beer, and spirits. Alcohol is a depressant and when consumed in large amounts causes relaxation, loss of inhibitions, sociability, and mild euphoria.

Alcohol also affects how the brain produces mood-enhancing chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. Over time, the brain can develop a tolerance to alcohol meaning that more is required to produce the same level of pleasurable chemicals. This in turn can lead to alcohol dependence whereby the individual is unable to feel normal without alcohol.

Alcohol addiction forms when the negative consequences of alcohol addiction become severe and the individual is unable to stop drinking without experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Am I an alcoholic if I’m a heavy drinker?

No, not necessarily. Some people are able to drink large amounts of alcohol without developing a dependence on the substance. Similarly, having a small amount of alcohol per day does not make a person an alcoholic.

However, if the drinker feels they have to drink to feel positive or to function then it is likely they have developed alcohol dependence. From here, the likelihood of becoming an alcoholic is greatly increased as the negative consequences of needing to drink begin to affect everyday life. If you feel that your or someone you care about is becoming dependent on alcohol, then getting preventative alcohol addiction treatment or counseling can help stop the problem before addiction forms.

What are the warning signs of alcohol addiction?

There are many signs that a person is developing alcohol dependence or addiction. Using alcohol when inappropriate (such as at work, at school, etc), being secretive about drinking, avoiding situations without alcohol, and feeling withdrawal are all signs of alcohol dependence and addiction. Read here for more warning signs of alcohol addiction.

What are the risks of developing an alcohol use disorder?

Alcohol addiction can be devastating to the life of the addict and their loved ones. Not only does an alcohol use disorder create social and relationship problems, but it also affects physical and mental health as well. Alcohol abuse and mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety are often closely linked and can exacerbate each other. Alcoholism can also destroy the body, leading to a variety of health conditions that can cause early death.

Seeking treatment for alcoholism

If you scored six or higher on this alcohol addiction self-assessment then it is highly likely that you are suffering from an alcohol use disorder. Getting help for alcohol addiction can be a daunting prospect and it may be tempting to try and overcome it on your own. Studies have proven that seeking addiction treatment through inpatient rehabs or outpatient treatment centers greatly increases the chance of long-term recovery. Visit our rehab directory to find a treatment option that meets your needs near you.