What is the Street Price of Xanax (Alprazolam)?

Edmund Murphy
Dr. Kimberly Langdon
Written by Edmund Murphy on 04 January 2022
Medically reviewed by Dr. Kimberly Langdon on 27 August 2024

Alprazolam, a benzodiazepine sold under the brand name Xanax, is regularly sold illegally on the street with a starting average price of $5 a bar. Read here for more info on the price of illegal and prescription Xanax, what affects the cost, and the cost of Xanax addiction treatment.

Key takeaways:

Most people who buy Xanax from drug dealers as opposed to obtaining them legally can expect to pay on average $5 per bar.

Some illicit drug manufacturers will use various chemicals to make fake Xanax. This is done in order to make the drugs go further by mixing them with cheaper chemicals.

A typical prescription for Xanax will be for 30 pills or bars (2 mg dose) at around $25 per pot.

Blue oval pills scattered, marked with

The cost of illegal Xanax on the street

Xanax is one of the most popular forms of anti-anxiety medication in America and is also used to treat panic disorders (such as panic attacks) and other mental health disorders. Depending on the drug’s scarcity and how difficult it is to get a prescription, prices can vary widely by location. Xanax most commonly comes in the form of a bar which can be split into smaller doses.

Most people who buy Xanax from drug dealers as opposed to obtaining them legally can expect to pay on average $5 per bar. This gives Xanax roughly the same street cost as Adderall.

Xanax street prices by dose

A typical 2 mg bar of Xanax will often cost between $3 and $5, depending on the location. Xanax bars can be broken down into smaller sections with an average cost of;

.5 mg - $1

1 mg - $2-$3

1.5 mg - $3-$4

2 mg - $5

Again, this price varies by location and some dealers may charge up to $20 per pill.

The cost of fake Xanax

Xanax is a controlled substance and making fake versions of the drug is a crime. Some illicit drug manufacturers will use various chemicals to make fake Xanax. This is done in order to make the drugs go further by mixing them with cheaper chemicals. 

Xanax bars typically come in bars that contain 2 mg of alprazolam which can be broken into 4, 50 mg segments. As fake Xanax may not contain exact dosages, dealers can charge more per bar. This means someone buying fake Xanax could pay up to $15 per bar. 

Fake Xanax can be extremely dangerous and may lead to accidental overdose.

The cost of prescription Xanax

A typical prescription for Xanax will be for 30 pills or bars (2 mg dose) at around $25 per pot. If someone has a prescription for larger doses they get a reduced price, as too may they if they have been on the drug for a long time.

The cost of Xanax addiction

People will often buy Xanax from drug dealers as they have become dependent on the drug and a regular prescription will not fulfill their cravings. Prescription drug abuse will often lead to addiction and it can be extremely difficult to give up the drug without help.

Thankfully, there are thousands of rehab centers across the country that can help those suffering from Xanax use disorder. If you or a loved one is suffering from Xanax addiction, contact a treatment provider today to begin the road to recovery.

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  1. Journal of Medical Internet Research — Crowdsourcing Black Market Prices For Prescription Opioids, . Retrieved 04 Jan, 2022.

Activity History - Last updated: 27 August 2024, Published date:


Kimberly Langdon M.D. has been contributing to medical fields including mental health and addiction since she retired from medicine; with over 19 years of practicing clinical experience.

Activity History - Medically Reviewed on 10 December 2022 and last checked on 27 August 2024

Medically reviewed by
Dr. Kimberly Langdon


Dr. Kimberly Langdon


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