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Samaritan Inns

2523 14th Street NW, Washington DC, 20009
Call Us 24/7 Free and Confidential
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Important Information

Specialization Transitional housing, halfway house, or sober home

Contact Information

2523 14th Street NW, Washington
DC, 20009

Phone: 202-667-8831 x267


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Recovered TrustScore 3.5 / 5

The Recovered Trustscore for Samaritan Inns is based on the total amount of key accreditations (1) & publicly available review data online for this rehab center. A Bayesian average is applied to all rehabs to ensure fair visibility. Read here for more info

Payment & Insurance Accepted at This Facility

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Help offered by Samaritan Inns at 2523 14th Street NW

Facility Smoking Policy

  • check icon Smoking permitted in designated area

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Treatment Effectivness *


Meals & Nutrition *

Accreditation(s) indicate the organization's national, state, or industry recognition for the treatment of substance use disorders and or mental health conditions.
Medication designed to help with withdrawal symptoms and cravings may be offered as part of an addiction treatment program.

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