By Edmund Murphy

Updated: 21 June 2024 & medically reviewed by Dr. David Miles

Recognizing you have a problematic relationship with substance use is not always easy. Our current culture is more accepting of certain types of substance use, such as alcohol or marijuana, and casual use does not always represent a problem. There is also increased scrutiny focused on dubious practices adopted by rehab facilities to onboard patients, making many reluctant to seek professional help. 

Recovered receives many questions from the public regarding accessing treatment, being able to recognize when substance abuse is a problem, who is likely to develop an addiction, and more. To get the best answers to these questions, we approached healthcare and addiction experts to get their insights on how to address these issues and to answer your questions.

Experts Answer Your Questions on Substance Abuse and Treatment

Is "casual" use of scheduled substances possible without the risk of developing a problem?

According to SAMHSA’s annual national survey on drug use in 2022, 70.3 million Americans (24.9% of the population) over 12 years old reported using an illicit substance in the past year. In the same year, 48.7 million (17.3%) reported having a substance use disorder, with nearly half (27.2 million) reporting an alcohol use disorder instead of an illicit substance.[1] 

This data suggests that there is a wide margin of Americans who use substances without developing a substance use disorder, or who don’t believe they have a problem. This could be down to those who use substances recreationally or casually, such as only at parties or in certain settings, or those who think their use is not a cause for concern. 

We asked the experts whether it is possible to have a relationship with substances of abuse without the risk of developing a disorder down the line. Here’s what they said:

Dr. Michelle Dees

Dr. Michael Kane

Dr. Jordan Calabrese

Are certain individuals more likely to develop a substance use disorder?

We often think of substances themselves as the root cause of addiction. However, this is not always the case, and a wide spectrum of factors can influence substance use disorders.These can include:[2] 

We asked our experts to expand on what exactly makes someone more or less likely to become addicted to substance abuse.

Gary Tucker

Dr. Michael Kane

Na'ilah Amaru

How easy or difficult is it to get help for substance use disorders?

Despite substance addiction rehabilitation being one of the biggest industries in the United States, it is not always straightforward for people to access treatment. Financial, geographical, and logistical considerations can act as barriers to those seeking treatment. Another consideration is the range of treatment options available and knowing which one is right to treat the individual's condition. 

Here’s what the experts had to say on accessing addiction treatment.

Gary Tucker

Dr. Michelle Dees

Dr. Michael Kane

Na'ilah Amaru

Is government and state funding enough to cope with the current addiction problem?

While many rehab facilities in the U.S. are run by for-profit organizations, some operate on state funding or via charitable donations. The latter is often the only choice for those who don’t have insurance or can’t access the finances to pay for treatment. As the name suggests, these organizations require government or state funding to operate, which may have an impact on their ability to facilitate treatment to all those who need it. With the opioid epidemic still raging, do state and government-funded rehabs have the capacity to deal with the issue?

Gary Tucker

Na'ilah Amaru

What are the barriers to getting treatment for those who need it?

Many potential barriers prevent those in need from getting treatment. Some of these relate to a person's environment, financial status, or available access to healthcare advice for their situation. For others, barriers can relate to their gender, race, or sexual orientation

Gary Tucker

Dr. Michelle Dees

Dr. Michael Kane

Na'ilah Amaru

Dr. Jordan Calabrese

What role do patient or "body" brokers play in creating barriers to treatment?

Patient or “body” brokers are individuals who persuade people to receive addiction treatment from facilities regardless of whether they are equipped to treat the person’s specific needs. Body brokers receive large commission payments per person they get signed into rehab, which can lead to the well-being of patients being put second to financial gain.

Dr. Michael Kane

Na'ilah Amaru

Dr. Jordan Calabrese

What more can be done to help those who need it?

While tackling a substance use disorder is a personal journey, some things can be done on an individual and societal level to help those who need it. Here's what the experts suggest to help those in need.

Gary Tucker

Dr. Michelle Dees

Dr. Michael Kane

Na'ilah Amaru

Dr. Jordan Calabrese

A final word from Recovered

As the experts have made clear, those trying to get help for a substance use disorder face many issues, and getting the right information is key to getting appropriate treatment. The important thing to remember is that there are always options and many organizations such as Recovered are dedicated to helping those who are struggling with substance abuse get the care they need. 

Here are some more resources for substance abuse support:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

National Drug Helpline

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare