What is Tranq Dope?

Lauren Smith
Dr. Celeste Small
Written by Lauren Smith on 01 March 2023
Medically reviewed by Dr. Celeste Small on 02 December 2024

Tranq dope is the street name for the non-opioid veterinary tranquilizer xylazine, a powerful sedative cropping up in supplies of fentanyl and heroin in the Northeast. It can prolong the short-lived high of fentanyl but comes with a heightened risk of overdose and harrowing side effects like skin ulceration and infection, sometimes severe enough to require amputation.

Silhouetted figure standing in graffiti-covered tunnel with bright sunlight.

What is Xylazine?

Xylazine is a non-opioid tranquilizer used as a sedative, anesthetic, muscle relaxant, and painkiller in animals such as horses, cattle, deer, sheep, dogs, cats, rats, and elk.

Xylazine has no FDA-approved use in humans. When manufacturer Bayer studied it in humans in the 1960s, xylazine was found to cause severe side effects, including very low blood pressure and severe depression of the central nervous system.

What is tranq dope?

Tranq dope, or tranq, is the street name for xylazine, a non-opioid tranquilizer used in veterinary medicine. While it’s occasionally used recreationally on its own, it’s most commonly encountered as an adulterant and add-on in supplies of other illicit drugs. 

Over the last few years, xylazine has increasingly been detected in supplies of illicit drugs and implicated in overdoses of those drugs in the United States, prompting the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a warning in November 2022. The watchdog warned that xylazine has primarily been identified in combination with heroin and fentanyl but has also turned up in supplies of the stimulants cocaine and methamphetamine. It also occasionally turns up in cannabis and adulterated benzodiazepine pills.

Drugs containing xylazine may be sold under the street names tranq, tranq dope, zombie drug, sleep-cut, and Philly dope, the last one reflecting its early appearance in Philadelphia. In Puerto Rico, it’s known as “anestesia de caballo” or horse anesthetic.

How is xylazine used?

Beyond its approved use in veterinary medicine, xylazine is abused by humans for the euphoric, sedating effect it provides. Most commonly, it’s an additive to other drugs, especially the powerful opioid fentanyl.

Xylazine is most similar to adrenaline-blocking medications such as clonidine. Modern opioid drug products sold on the street as heroin contain a few grains of fentanyl and generally require additional powder to bulk up the product. Classically, powders such as quinine or milk sugar were used and would have little effect on the brain or body. Xylazine, however, exerts powerful effects on blood pressure and the sleep/wake center of the brain. As such, people who use a fentanyl drug product that is packaged with xylazine are more apt to fall asleep while using it. [15]

Dr. Anthony J. Accurso

Medical advisor

Some people deliberately take dope tranq with fentanyl, reportedly to prolong the opioid’s usually brief high. However, others are unaware that their drugs have been cut with tranq and aren’t prepared for its dangers.

Dope tranq may also be added to the mixtures of opioids and stimulants known as speedballs to mitigate unpleasant side effects.

Dope tranq can be swallowed, snorted, inhaled, smoked, and injected into a muscle or vein.

What are the effects of xylazine in humans?

Xylazine, or dope tranq, can initially cause euphoria in humans, hence its abuse and presence in the drug supply. However, it quickly causes more severe and sometimes fatal effects, especially in overdose. These may be difficult to distinguish from an opioid overdose. However, the standard treatment for opioid overdose—the opioid antagonist naloxone (Narcan)—isn't effective against xylazine, so it’s crucial that xylazine be identified quickly in an overdose victim.

Immediate effects of dope tranq include:

  • Depression of the central nervous system (CNS), causing sedation, drowsiness, and disorientation)
  • Slow breathing
  • bradycardia (slow heart rate)
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Amnesia
  • Hypothermia (low body temperature)
  • Miosis (pinpoint pupils)
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Slurred speech
  • Fainting
  • Hyperglycaemia
  • Dry mouth
  • Coma
  • Death

Xylazine can leave users in a stupor deeper and more prolonged than that caused by opioids. This can leave them vulnerable to crimes such as theft and sexual assault.

Effects of xylazine last for eight hours but in the case of overdose can last for 72 hours. Xylazine is very dangerous: a review found 43 cases of xylazine intoxication in medical literature, of which around half (51%) were fatal and most of the non-fatal cases required medical intervention.

Because it depresses breathing, xylazine increases the risk of overdose when taken alongside opioids, which also slow respiration.

What are the long-term effects of xylazine use?

Long-term effects of dope tranq use include:

  • Severe skin ulceration
  • Skin abscesses
  • Slow wound healing
  • Frequent, persistent skin infections
  • Necrosis
  • Amputation of limbs

We still do not know the long-term effects of xylazine with daily use. What we are seeing among our patients is a greater difficulty coming off of the drug product, because xylazine has its own withdrawal symptoms which add on to those of opioids such as fentanyl. These withdrawal symptoms include high blood pressure, irritability, and anxiety. Another unpredictable effect of xylazine use is skin wounds. These wounds are not universal and some people are likely more naturally prone to them than others. Once the wounds start they can cause skin damage on extremities that can be difficult for the person to heal and also very disfiguring and embarrassing. [15]

Dr. Anthony J. Accurso

Medical advisor

These skin problems occur not just around the injection site, in the case of intravenous drug use, but throughout the body, especially the limbs. They’re thought to emerge because xylazine constricts blood vessels and also, by depressing heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, reduces tissue oxygenation in the skin. Prolonged use increases this vasoconstriction and skin oxygenation deficit, leading to soft tissue infections.

How prevalent is xylazine in the illicit drug supply?

Dope tranq has been detected with increasing frequency in the illicit drug supply in the United States, especially in the Northeast.

Xylazine was first noted in Puerto Rico about 20 years ago and made its way into the drug supply of Philadelphia, PA about 5 years ago. It has now been detected in many different cities throughout the US. Xylanzine will likely continue to be used in illicit drug production and will become another drug product that we all have to learn to treat. [15]

Dr. Anthony J. Accurso

Medical advisor

Xylazine entered the US around 2006, first turning up in the opioid supply in Philadelphia. The city remains the capital of tranq use and in 2020 the drug was detected in 25.8% of overdose deaths. It was followed by Maryland (19.3% of overdose deaths in 2021) and Connecticut (10.2% in 2020).

The situation has worsened in just the short few years since that data was collected. In 2023, medical toxicologists at Temple Health in Philadelphia reported that it was present in 90% of the city’s opioid supply. The drug has also now been detected in at least 36 states and the District of Columbia.

Xylazine is legal for veterinary use, its use only permitted by or on the orders of a licensed veterinarian.

Xylazine isn’t controlled under the federal Controlled Substances Act. However, some states have acted to restrict access. New York State designated it a controlled substance in 2017.

How do you treat xylazine overdoses?

Dope tranq isn’t an opioid so its effects, especially on breathing, cannot be reversed by the opioid rescue drug naloxone (Narcan). Its growing prevalence has raised concerns among first responders that Narcan will become less useful for saving lives during overdoses.

Treatment is therefore supportive, with measures undertaken to maintain the patient’s blood pressure, heart rate, and airways.

How to stay safe when using drugs that may contain xylazine

If you use opioids like fentanyl or other illicit substances, you may encounter dope tranq and you may not be aware of it. Drug users trying to avoid fentanyl have become accustomed to testing their supply with fentanyl test strips. There is a similar test strip for xylazine although it cannot provide information about the quantity or strength of xylazine within the substance.

To stay safe when using drugs that may contain xylazine, you should:

  • When buying the drug, ask questions about what it is and what it may be cut with.
  • Don’t use drugs alone. Stay with a trusted and ideally sober friend who can monitor you for signs of overdose and raise the alarm.
  • Try a small amount of the substance first to see how it affects you.
  • Always keep naloxone with you and learn to use it. Although it may not reverse the effects of tranq, it can reverse the effects of opioids, which compound those of tranq.
  • Use clean needles. Although this can’t prevent the skin ulcers and infections associated with tranq, it can reduce their frequency.


  1. Torruella, R. A. (2011). Xylazine (veterinary sedative) use in Puerto Rico. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 6(1).
  2. FDA warns about the risk of xylazine exposure in humans. (2022).
  3. Kacinko, S. L., Et Al. (2022). Xylazine: Pharmacology Review and Prevalence and Drug Combinations in Forensic Toxicology Casework. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 46(8), 911–917.
  4. Johnson, J., Pizzicato, L., Johnson, C., & Viner, K. (2021). Increasing presence of xylazine in heroin and/or fentanyl deaths, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2010–2019. Injury Prevention, injuryprev-2020-043968.
  5. Xylazine: Effects, Addiction and Treatment Options. (n.d.). .
  6. Abuse, N. I. on D. (2022, April 21). Xylazine. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  7. Xylazine intoxication in humans and its importance as an emerging adulterant in abused drugs: A comprehensive review of the literature. (2014). Forensic Science International, 240, 1–8.
  8. Malayala, S. V., Papudesi, B. N., Bobb, R., & Wimbush, A. (2022). Xylazine-Induced Skin Ulcers in a Person Who Injects Drugs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Cureus.
  9. Friedman, J., Montero, F., Bourgois, P., Wahbi, R., Dye, D., Goodman-Meza, D., & Shover, C. (2022). Xylazine spreads across the US: A growing component of the increasingly synthetic and polysubstance overdose crisis. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 233, 109380.
  10. Animal tranquillizer xylazine sweeping Kensington streets. (n.d.). . Retrieved March 6, 2023, from
  11. 21 CFR § 522.2662 - Xylazine. (n.d.). LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from
  12. Slaying the monster: Senate passes Murphy’s bill designating xylazine as a controlled substance. (2017, April 24). NY State Senate.
  13. The Impact of Xylazine on Overdose Response. (n.d.). Pharmacy Times. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from
  14. Anthony J. Accurso, M [Review of Anthony J. Accurso, MD]. Bergen New Bridge Medical Center; h

Activity History - Last updated: 02 December 2024, Published date:


Dr. Celeste Small

Pharm.D, RPh.

Celeste Small, PharmD. is a licensed and practicing pharmacist and medical writer who specializes in different substances, the effects of substance abuse, and substance use disorder.

Activity History - Medically Reviewed on 27 February 2023 and last checked on 02 December 2024

Medically reviewed by
Dr. Celeste Small

Dr. Celeste Small

Pharm.D, RPh.


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