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Medication designed to help with withdrawal symptoms and cravings may be offered as part of an addiction treatment program.

Rogers Behavioral Health

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Rogers Behavioral Health is a not-for-profit, independent provider of mental health and addiction treatment. They offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatment programs tailored to each patient’s unique needs, fostering hope, healing, and lasting recovery. Their levels of care span from inpatient treatment and residential programs to outpatient programs and partial hospitalization initiatives, which allow individuals to engage in therapy while maintaining daily routines.

They treat children, adolescents, and adults with a range of conditions including depression, addiction, OCD, eating disorders, PTSD, and emotional dysregulation. 

Rogers Behavioral Health was founded in 1907 in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, originally as the Oconomowoc Health Resort. Initially focusing on physical health, it later transitioned to mental health care in the 1970s under the leadership of Dr. Arthur Rogers. They employ a 200+ strong staff comprised of specialists in mental health and addictions, over half of whom are trained psychiatrists and psychologists. Staff undergo continuous training and professional development to ensure they keep up with the latest advancements and evidence-based practices in mental health care.

Rogers Behavioral Health has grown significantly since 1907, now boasting 21 locations across 9 states – California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin.

Rogers Behavioral Health accepts payment via:

  • Insurance plans

  • Private pay

  • Financial assistance programs subject to eligibility criteria being met