Phone numbers listed within our directory for individual providers will connect directly to that provider.
Any calls to numbers marked with (I) symbols will be routed through a trusted partner, more details can be found by visiting
For any specific questions please email us at
We grade rehab centers based on whether they are verified by SAMHSA, have accreditation from the Joint Commission and/or CARF, have high online review scores, and offer evidence-based treatment programs
Accreditation(s) indicate the organization's national, state, or industry recognition for the treatment of substance use disorders and or mental health conditions.
Medication designed to help with withdrawal symptoms and cravings may be offered as part of an addiction treatment program.

Find Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers in Naples, FL

There are 6 rehabilitation centers that offer treatment for alcohol and drug addictions in Naples, Florida. These rehabs offer various treatment options, including 2 inpatient treatment programs, 5 outpatient programs, and 4 offering medically-supervised detox. Below are the best addiction rehabs in Naples, Florida based on our Recovered Trustscore rating system.

The top 5 rated rehabs in Naples

These rehab centers have the best Recovered Trustscore reviews in Naples and offer a range of treatments for drug and alcohol use disorders as well as mental health and recovery resources.

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Inpatient rehab facilities in Naples

These centers offer inpatient and residential treatment in Naples. Inpatient treatment centers offer a safe environment free of distractions where visitors can detox from substances, participate in therapy, and benefit from a dedicated support network over the course of a 30-90 day treatment plan.

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Outpatient addiction treatment programs in Naples

These facilities offer outpatient treatment programs in Naples. Outpatient treatment providers can assist in detox, withdrawal management, therapy, and long-term recovery programs in a walk-in or partial hospitalization setting.

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Drug & alcohol detox (MAT) programs in Naples

Medication assistance ensures substance detox is completed safely and with minimal withdrawal discomfort, as well as providing medication to help with long-term recovery. These centers in Naples offer medication-assisted detox.

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Rehabs specializing in drug addiction in Naples

Overcoming drug addiction without professional help is extremely difficult. Naples offers a range of rehab options to ensure that you get the best treatment to meet your needs and get free of drug addiction.

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Rehabs specializing in alcohol addiction in Naples

Alcohol addiction affects nearly 30m American adults and only 1.5m receive professional treatment. Naples has rehab treatment programs for alcohol use disorders in both residential and outpatient settings, as well as medically assisted detox to ensure the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol are managed safely.

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Dual diagnosis rehab centers treating co-occurring disorders in Naples

Substance use disorders often occur alongside or due to another mental health disorder, making it difficult to overcome either. These treatment centers in Naples offer treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders ensuring the best chance at long-term recovery.

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All treatment centers in Naples: Showing 1 - 6 of 6

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Treatment type

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Offered treatment

Rehab centers utilize structured, evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders and behavioral issues. Some facilities offer inpatient care either in a luxury, residential, or hospital setting while others have outpatient programs for those with less severe substance use disorders.

Most of these centers cater to different age groups, offer specialized treatment (such as opioid addiction treatment), and have a variety of payment options such as Medicaid and Medicare. Below are the top-rated addiction rehab centers in Naples FL.

The Recovered Trustscore is calculated from a facility's online reviews and verified accreditations, A Bayesian average is applied to all rehabs to ensure fair visibility. Read here for more info

Counseling and Therapy Services for Naples FL Residents

Counselors and therapists are equipped to help people with substance use disorders understand where their addictive behavior stems from, develop tools to control cravings, and explore further treatment options.

  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)


    The country's leading resource for substance abuse and mental health counseling.

  • Total Health Guidance


    Wellness and mental health resources for children, young people, and adults

  • ABPM Physician Lookup

    A full database of physicians specializing in addiction treatment and recovery

  • Partnership for Drug-Free Kids Hotline

    Specializing in preventative treatment and counselling for substance abuse in children

  • AAAP Member Addiction Psychiatrists


    Directory provided by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry for treatment of substance use disorders and co-occurring conditions

  • NAMI Helpline


    Helpline for questions and resources relating to mental health and substance abuse

  • Mental Health America Local Affiliates


    Help and support for navigating treatment options in specific locations.

  • APA Psychologist Locator


    Official register of licenced psychologists provided by the American Psychological Association

Addiction Support Groups in Naples FL

Support groups offer a safe and structured environment alongside fellow sufferers to gain control of substance use disorders (SUDs). Support groups are also dedicated to helping families and friends of people struggling with SUDs.

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

    Support group open to anyone suffering from an alcohol use disorder. Follows a 12 step program approach

  • Narcotics Anonymous


    12 step program operating across the country for anyone suffering from drug addiction or a substance use disorder.

  • SMART Recovery

    Alternative to 12 step programs, incorporating behavioral therapy approaches designed to alter behaviors towards substance abuse.

  • Al-Anon Family Groups

    Anonymous support for families and loved ones of people suffering from an alcohol use disorder.

  • Parents of Addicted Loved Ones


    Online, telephone, and in person resources for parents with children abusing substances. Has religious roots but is open to all.

  • ARCO Recovery Community Organization Locator

    Working with non-profit organizations to change perceptions of substance abuse and offer support. Peer recovery support is also available.

  • Nar-Anon

    Support for families, friends, and loved one of those suffering from drug addictions.

  • Marijuana Anonymous

    Dedicated 12 step program for people with marijuana addiction. Includes support for all types of marijuana abuse, include THC edibles and cannabis concentrates.

  • Dual Recovery Anonymous

    A 12 step program designed for those with a substance use and co-occurring disorder.

  • Gamblers Anonymous

    12 step program offering support, guidance, and resources for those with a gambling disorder.

  • Cocaine Anonymous

    Anonymous support for those suffering from a cocaine use disorder using the 12 step method.

  • Crystal Meth Anonymous

    12 step program designed specifically to help those with a crystal meth addiction.

Treatment Centers Nearby

Nextep Fort Myers FL

29.96 miles away 6313 Corporate Court, Fort Myers, FL, 33919
star star star star star
Recovered TrustScore 4.76 / 5

SalusCare Fort Myers FL

32.89 miles away 3763 Evans Avenue, Fort Myers, FL, 33901
star star star star star
Recovered TrustScore 4.04 / 5

SalusCare Fort Myers FL

33.37 miles away 2789 Ortiz Avenue, Fort Myers, FL, 33905
star star star star star
Recovered TrustScore 2.55 / 5